Steele Star Students of the Week Feb. 20-24, 2023
  • Cullen has been working hard in the classroom.

  • Aaliegha is such a hard worker! She never gives up when a task is difficult and is so kind to others!

  • Layna is a good friend who is always kind to others. She makes sure no one is left out. Layna has been doing a great job during math and always tries to participate in class.

  • Theresa is a wonderful, kind, and caring student. She is always willing to help anyone, teacher or student. Theresa is always sure to make sure everyone is doing the right thing and works so hard!

  • Lokana is a superstar! He has such a contagious joy for life. He has been working hard on his goals this week.

  • Chris is a very hard-working student. Honest and kind, he is a friend to all! We are so thankful to have Chris as a part of our class!

  • Although Alex has only been here a few days, she has made our classroom an even brighter place. She has made friends, is following expectations, and is contributing to conversations and lessons. You're already a Steele Superstar, Alex! Keep shining bright!

  • Isaiah is a hard worker and a great friend. He is always willing to help with his bright smile!!!

  • Delicia has been working hard, never giving up, and being a good friend!

  • Lilly has been working hard and setting a good example. Keep it up, Lilly!

  • Conor continues to be a leader, goes above and beyond expectations, and is always a kind friend. We could not be more proud of you, Conor. Keep shining, Steele Star!

  • Jordyn has been a great student this week! She goes out of her way to help around the classroom without being told. Jordyn completed all of her assignments and is constantly participating in class! Keep it up!

  • This week Braeley is our Steele Star! Braeley is always eager to learn and is constantly participating in class no matter the subject. She is very responsible and consistently puts forth her best effort to exceed in everything she does. Braeley also is an exceptional role model to show her classmates how to be kind and care for one another, while also following the school expectations. Keep up the great work Braeley!

  • Claire is a Steele SUPERstar! Claire is an exemplary student and friend. She consistently tries her best and contributes to the class in a positive way. Claire is a wonderful friend who is always willing to help, include others and offer a kind word. Way to go Superstar Claire!

  • Brooklynn is always positive. She is a great help and always is willing to try and challenge herself. She has shown so much growth! You are awesome Brooklynn!

  • Chloe was a great help for the substitute teacher for our classroom. She is helpful every day and is always doing her job. She works hard on everything she does and is always proud of her work. Her work ethic is admirable. Keep up the great work Chloe!

  • Caleb is a Spectacular Steele Super Star! He is so compassionate and caring towards all of his classmates and teachers. He is always positive and encouraging. I know I can count on him to be kind to everyone and always do the right thing. Keep it up, Caleb!!

  • Brandon has been doing an amazing job in third grade! He has really started to come out of his shell more this year and I love watching his confidence grow!

  • Ava has been working hard towards her goal of improving her work and staying on task. She has been a rockstar in both areas. I am so excited for the gains she showed last week! Way to go, Ava! I am so proud of you!

  • Owen is always coming to school with a star attitude! He always tries his best and gives 100% effort. He is a great classmate and great to have in class! Keep it up Owen !!