Steele Star Students of the Week

Check why last week's Steele Star Students of the Week were given the award!  

  • Brent has worked really hard with new math concepts.

  • Maurice is always helpful to everyone in the school, including teachers. He is kind and empathetic to his classmates. Maurice is also very creative and has some of the best jokes!

  • Ian is always ready to participate in class and tries his best in everything he does. He never minds helping his classmates out when they need it and always makes sure to go the extra mile on all his assignments. When we had a substitute teacher, she wrote down that Ian was one of the most helpful students in the class.

  • I love how Bentley is always pushing himself to learn more. He has a thirst for knowledge, and it has paid off in so many ways. He can tell you about history; he is informed about scientific facts; he can do math quicker than I can most days. Bentley loves to read and learn new and amazing information, and I am grateful that I get to witness his love of learning.

  • Ashley is doing great in first grade. She has the best ideas for stories and has been working so hard in class!

  • Natane is consistently working hard, having a positive attitude and always showing kindness!  Thank you Natane!

  • Anabelle comes to school ready to learn and ready to work! She is kind to her peers and ready to help. She is doing an amazing job in third grade.

  • Joanna is a Sensational Steele SuperStar! She follows expectations every day, all day long. She is a leader in and out of the classroom. Joanna loves to help her classmates and teachers. She is always extremely polite. She also strives to be her best self each day. Keep up the great work, Joanna!

  • Journee comes to school each day and is kind to his peers, listens to teachers, and works hard on his academic tasks. This week he surprised himself and reached a big goal we had set for him! Journee keeps pushing his brain to learn more and prepare himself for 1st grade! I am so proud of you Journee!

  • Leeah has been doing great in class! She is always one of the first students willing to help me with a task. She has been doing awesome in math lately. I am very proud of her. Keep up the good work Leeah :)

  • Elliana is always willing to help others or be there for a friend. She has shown kindness and selflessness many times to a classmate by staying inside from recess with her (the classmate was unable to go out due to an injury) and even riding separately with her to our field trip so she was not alone. She assists others in class without complaint and often without even being asked. I am so proud of Elliana!

  • Emmie has shown great character and integrity-always doing what is right and what is expected even if others aren't and if nobody is watching.  She also has been a great friend to our classmate, volunteering to stay inside from recess with her. She shows kindness and generosity by creating handmade personalized paintings for each student in our room. Emmie is such a great student and we are so lucky she is in our class!

  • Tobby is a Steele Superstar! Tobby has worked hard to improve in all areas of the curriculum this year. He is an iReady leader, too. Way to go Superstar Tobby!

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