Dear District 205 Parents/Guardians,

This past week, there has been a great deal of news published about the Coronavirus/COVID-19.  As you know, our schools and activities will be cancelled through March 30th. Our district has been proactive in considering the health and safety of our students.  

For the duration of the closure, we encourage you to keep your child’s mind occupied with learning opportunities. We are providing links and resources to each household. However, there will be no required assignments or graded materials at this time. The materials/links shared are for the purpose of keeping your child’s mind active. We encourage you to stay in touch with your child’s teacher via email. Consider developing a daily schedule for your child that incorporates time for academics, quiet reading, and physical activity.

Moving forward, we would like to offer guidance on how things will be handled in the upcoming weeks:

  • Food Service:  Information will be coming from the Central Office regarding food service distribution. 

  • Critical Medication/Medical Supplies: If you need to access critical medications/medical supplies which are housed at the school please email Jennifer Graves  at If you do not have access to email, you may call the school at 309-973-2016 by Monday at 8:00am.  There will be no exception to this timeline. Please note, only people listed on your Skyward contact list will be allowed to retrieve medications. Please be sure to include your student’s name, your name, phone number and the medication you need in your message.

  • Special Education Students: At this point in time all meetings will continue as scheduled, but will be conducted by phone.

  • No one should plan on arriving at a school unless otherwise directed. 

Under no circumstances will students/families be allowed in the building until further notice. Only medications will be distributed in the timeframe determined by the district.  


Jennifer Graves 

Principal - Steele Elementary School